We are an independent, free platform, where all kind of artists can show their ideas of a reflection of nature and mankind.

GreenHeartMusic started in 2003, as a partnership with Greenheart and Fundacion por el Futuro.



Ibiza , Mediterrean Sea

Greenheart Music is based in Ibiza, Spain.
Ibiza, Baleares, Spain,

Mediterran Sea, 2500 years civilisation,
melting pot, between Europe and Africa,
always connected to music, international artists, easy to be creative, let it flow with a good spirit


Healing retreat


   Ingmar Hansch

Music Director


   Laura Rose


Fundaction Por El Futuro & CCI

   Emanuel Kuntzelman


Fundaction Por El futuro & CCI


Fundacion por el Futuro
Foundation for the Future

The Foundation for the Future is a non-profit foundation based in Madrid, Spain. It promotes the participation of young people in social volunteer work, with special interest in those who live developed countries and can share their knowledge with others.

These are some of the present activities of the Foundation for the Future:

- Educational interchange between schools of Spain and the United States
- Environmental Programs in the United States
- Helping to support the study group Ibiza Ecologic.
- Supporting and developing a number of Greenheart projects.

Visit the Foundation's website at www.fundacionfuturo.es



The Greenheart initiative is a project farm which is supported by the non-profit organisation Fundacion per el Futuro, promoting the symbiotic relation between cultural tradition, information technology and sustainable ecological development.

We have used the metaphor 'project farm' to describe the process by which our projects evolve from an idea, to a detailed study and finally to a fruitful enterprise.

Visit Greenheart's website at www.greenheart.info


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